Embed windows media file into blog post ~ My Techno Guide

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Embed windows media file into blog post

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In this article, i would like to share with you on how to embed a windows media file such as wmf, asf, wma, mpg and all other files supported by windows media player into your blogger or wordpress post contents. To stream a Windows Media video file, you need to embed the Windows Media Player in the page where you post the video. This requires some specific HTML code included in the page or blog post where the video is linked. The simple command use for this is

Below is the example on how to use the embed tag in your blog posts or html page.

<embed type="video/x-ms-asf-plugin"
showcontrols="1" showaudiocontrols="1" showdisplay="0" showgotobar="0"
showpositioncontrols="0" showstatusbar="1" showtracker="1"
animationatstart="1" autostart="1" bufferingtime="5" src="yourmediaurl"
height="400" width="450">

* change src="yourmediaurl" with a valid media url that you want to embed into your post or html page.


Unknown said...

what is medaiurl? do i have to upload it 2 a site or something?

Unknown said...

what is mediaurl? do i have to upload it 2 a site or something?