Free Text to Speech ~ My Techno Guide

Friday, March 23, 2007

Free Text to Speech

Listen to this articleListen to this article

In case you are very lazy to read all the words in a very long articles, I have solution for you. You don't have to read, just tell the computer to read for you.

How? The answer is your computer can talk and it can read whatever and whenever you want it.

Just find a text to speech programs available on the net. The text-to-speech programs can convert text or web documents to human speech.
There is a free programs that i found. Never have to buy it or never have to develop yourself. This programs is called Alien Speech.

Below is the screenshot of it. By installing the programs, all you have to do is copy all the text from a blog or web, and paste it into the programs.

When you click "Play All" button, the programs will read the text for you. Isn't that great?

For those who are interested, you are free to download it at,

The programs is simple, That's why its free. It just made used the available text to speech library like Microsoft Speech API.

1 comment:

kartik sharma said...

very nice bro for this information
technology rip