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In case you are very lazy to read all the words in a very long articles, I have solution for you. You don't have to read, just tell the computer to read for you.
How? The answer is your computer can talk and it can read whatever and whenever you want it.
Just find a text to speech programs available on the net. The text-to-speech programs can convert text or web documents to human speech.
There is a free programs that i found. Never have to buy it or never have to develop yourself. This programs is called Alien Speech.
Below is the screenshot of it. By installing the programs, all you have to do is copy all the text from a blog or web, and paste it into the programs.
When you click "Play All" button, the programs will read the text for you. Isn't that great?
For those who are interested, you are free to download it at,
The programs is simple, That's why its free. It just made used the available text to speech library like Microsoft Speech API.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Free Text to Speech
How to logon to multiple Gmail accounts using firefox
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By default Firefox does not allow you to login more than one accounts at the same time.
Managing multiple gmail accounts will coz you headache. You have to logout from the first account, before you can logon into seconds account. You can not login into more than one accounts at the same time.So, for those who wants to manage more than one gmail accounts, the best solution that i recommend is to install Gmail Manager.
Gmail Manager is a Firefox extension that allows you to manage multiple Gmail accounts and receive new mail notifications. It can displays account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.
Installing this extension will allows you to open multiple accounts by selecting your gmail accounts on the statusbar in the bottom right of firefox browser. By right clicking to the chosen gmail accounts, Firefox will open a new tab and automatically open-up the selected gmail account.
You can download the gmail manager from